Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pretty girls with lollipop sticks

As we left Holmbush Weds morning, we encountered some road works and David was delighted to see that there was a very pretty, slim girl in her 20's manning the lollipop road stick and then further along another one - what a pleasure that piece of road was.  W as so nice to see no butch looking women or short big gutted men - for a while, however revert to form and the rest of the roadworks (there is a few of them) were the uninteresting men with sour faces - and big guts.....

Stopped at Prosperine for m/tea and arrived at Bowen at lunchtime, we are at the harbour Lights c/van park obviously right opp. the harbour which is very pleasant, not so many Vics. here, more NSW no. plates.  The first people we saw when we were registering was Bridget and Ivan - well, you wouldn't credit it.  They are here for 2 nights and we are here for 5.  Certainly nice to be still for a few days.

We have decided we have no desire to travel around Oz.  The constant moving and stopping o/night and then the 200/300 kms a day is not exciting for us - don't know how people do it and say it is enjoyable.  I would love to go to Rocky again and stay put like the Vics. do or even here.  All these towns are so pretty and their councils are doing up the foreshores and not scared of spending money on making the areas attractive - NOT LIKE TWEED COUNCIL........

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