Thursday, August 16, 2012

Great to wake up this morning and be warm

What a great feeling to have woken up this morning and not feel cold, to be able to put a pair of shorts on straight away.  Last brekkie on the road.

Dalby is the service centre town for the crop growing area of the Darling Downs and as you drive along the road there are huge silos situated on properties and also in Dalby itself - there is also a lot of cotton grown here and paddocks were full of cotton bales.

As I look around the c/van park this morning you see that most of the park is given over to workers vans and cabins and not a lot of available spces for the general traveller, so we were lucky to get into here.  There is also a 'whole village' built at the back of the van park which is full of porta cbins and rec area - all for the mine workers which means the traveller is being shunted aside and this is happening around the couuntry. 

In Port Headland, Dampier, in WA you cann ot get into the parks because they have all been taken by mine workers  - and the mines are not building the necessary or putting up the necessary buildings - catch 22 situation as there were so many travelling on the roads - grey nomads - of course.

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